2020 is what happened to my old site and blog. During 2020, I updated my site, over and over again. I was never quite happy with it. I wanted it to be simpler, cleaner. It turned out that I needed to focus on my goals for the site and make some decisions. That was the answer to my design troubles.
It turns out that while I can quickly, clearly, and easily solve other people’s issues with design, I have trouble with my own creative assets. It’s like trying to update your own resume. Or trying to write your own bio. It’s hard to stay focused and not criticize every facet. For me, it results in analysis paralysis. It’s perplexing, because I do not have this issue with my clients. I make decisions quickly and easily for them.
At the end of 2020, a technical issue my site migration yielded a complete redesign of my site. I took a potential negative and turned it into an opportunity to make the clean site I always wanted. It solved the problem of what to do about my old site content. I decluttered. I didn’t love that content, so it’s gone. So, here we are, in 2021, with a brand new site. New year, new design. New year, new goals. New year, new outlook. I’m looking forward to working with you!